TranS4MErs Project – 2nd Open Calls: Design Phase for Digital Transformation for Manufacturing SME

About ADMA TranS4MErs ADMA TranS4MErs builds on the efforts of the European ADvanced MAnufacturing Support Centre (ADMA), an EU project launched in 2018 with the main goal of anchoring a future-proof…

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Bio-intelligent manufacturing industries (Made in Europe Partnership) (RIA)

 Expected Outcome: European manufacturing industries are reinforced through biological transformation; in particular Access to bio-intelligent production technologies and architecture; Technological advances and improvements in sustainability (in particular SDGs 11, 12…

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Technologies/solutions to support circularity for manufacturing (Made in Europe Partnership) (RIA)

ExpectedOutcome: Manufacturing industry should benefit from the following outcomes: Assessing the environmental impact of their products, including the flow of products after their use to reduce product and raw material…

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Circular solutions for textile value chains through innovative sorting, recycling, and design for recycling

ExpectedOutcome: A successful proposal will contribute to the following Destination impacts: i) enhance European industrial sustainability, competitiveness and resource independence, and ii) improve on consumer and citizen benefits. Project results…

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