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Provides financial support for the preparation of a proposal for a Strategic Integrated Project under the sub-programme Circular Economy and Quality of Life in the areas of Circular Economy, Waste, Water and Air, in order to implement
- National or regional Circular Economy Action Plans, National and regional Waste Management Plans, River Basin Management Plans or Air Quality Plans
- at large territorial scale
- with the involvement of all concerned stakeholders and
- including a coordination mechanism for funding supporting complementary measures necessary for the full implementation of the targeted plan or strategy.
Expected Outcome
Provides financial support for the preparation of a proposal for a Strategic Integrated Project under the sub-programme Circular Economy and Quality of Life in the areas of Circular Economy, Waste, Water and Air, in order to implement
- National or regional Circular Economy Action Plans, National and regional Waste Management Plans, River Basin Management Plans or Air Quality Plans
- at large territorial scale
- with the involvement of all concerned stakeholders and
- including a coordination mechanism for funding supporting complementary measures necessary for the full implementation of the targeted plan or strategy.