Convert2Green Open Call for Pilot Projects

The Convert2Green Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) offers material suppliers the opportunity to integrate their circular and carbon-neutral solutions into key European value chains, including:

• Green and Autonomous Vehicles
• Smart Health
• Industrial Internet of Things
• Low Carbon Industry
• Clean Energy Solutions

Through the Open Call, Convert2Green will support at least 20 pre-commercial pilot projects from across the EU, offering subsidized access to technical facilities and services worth approximately €100,000 per project. Selected companies will have the chance to collaborate with Convert2Green members, gaining access to cutting-edge resources to help accelerate their innovation journey. Projects should not exceed a duration of 9 months.

Interested? See the latest Convert2Green service portfolio here, or contact us at for assistance with your application.

Success Story: Pütz GmbH + Co. Folien KG

In the first round of our Open Call, Pütz GmbH + Co. Folien KG, a leader in film conversion, secured a pilot project focused on the sustainable recycling of their BOPET film residues, particularly those with special coatings like acrylic.

Thanks to subsidized services from Convert2Green, Pütz Folien is now intensifying its efforts to achieve a circular, waste-free future. With support from Convert2Green, they are developing innovative solutions to advance their recycling, and transforming production waste into valuable resources, helping to drive sustainability forward. Read more here on LinkedIn (in German).