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This call aims to further develop the concept of 'Science for Policy' and improve the integration of scientific evidence in public policies. The action seeks to strengthen the European Science for Policy (S4P) ecosystem across sectors and governance levels, promote collaboration among networks, and foster the exchange of best practices and mutual learning. The action supports the principle of evidence-based policymaking acknowledged in the Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe. Expected EU contribution per project is around EUR 2 million, with a total indicative budget of EUR 2 million.
Expected Outcome
• Increased capacities of S4P actors and networks through the creation of a Community of Practice.
• Mainstreaming of S4P approaches in national public administrations through coordinated efforts.
• Further development and adoption of the 'Science for Policy' concept among stakeholders.
• Set up and manage a Science for Policy Community of Practice involving S4P actors and stakeholders.
• Provide operational support to the Network of Science for Policy Coordinators.
• Map the European S4P landscape and develop an appropriate taxonomy.
• Convene regular policy dialogues on S4P between the network, community of practice, and other stakeholders.
• Develop publicly available outputs and promote dissemination of results.