Result description
To simplify the computational modellling and simulatation of the component’s future properties, a new design tool for additive manufacturing (DfAM) is being created at INEGI. Through a bank of pre-designed and easily adaptable projects, the solution will help the user to design in 3D, as well as support material selection, cost estimation, post-processing methods and life cycle analysis.
To answer this problem, the Institute’s team has devised a solution that will significantly simplify the design phase, and reduce the cycle time required to obtain a component.
This work is taking place within the scope of the project «ParAM – Parametric AM Design Tool – Accelerating the Twin Transition by removing design barriers», funded by the EIT Manufacturing of the EIT (European Institute for Innovation and Technology)
Addressing target audiences and expressing needs
- Collaboration
The activity contributes to overcome the existing industrial barriers, improving its manufacturing flexibility and overall efficiency. The warehouse costs and supply time can be reduced, thus fostering the implementation of zero-waste sensing in the materials and energy consumption and circular economy for green manufacturing.
- Research and Technology Organisations
- Academia/ Universities
R&D, Technology and Innovation aspects
The ParAM project provided a design tool that simplifies the designing of parts to be processed by additive manufacturing (AM) by making a parametric CAD models database available. The Design-for-AM models can easily and quickly obtained by any workers without any specific knowledge or experience.
The activity contributes to overcome the existing industrial barriers, improving its manufacturing flexibility and overall efficiency. The warehouse costs and supply time can be reduced, thus fostering the implementation of zero-waste sensing in the materials and energy consumption and circular economy for green manufacturing.
The ParAM project provided a design tool that simplifies the designing of parts to be processed by additive manufacturing (AM) by making a parametric CAD models database available. The Design-for-AM models can easily and quickly obtained by any workers without any specific knowledge or experience.