Result description
Grasswool is a non-fossil material that can be used as an alternative to peat in mushroom production. Tester growers have seen grasswool and peat perform similarly in terms of productivity of their crops, its precocity and the quality of their mushrooms (colour, water content, etc.). Also, our tester growers confirm its management is comparable to that of peat. The main difference is the watering procedure, a step easily tweaked by growers.
Involved growers have shown that grasswool combined with peat performs well as casing material for white and brown button mushroom production.
If you want to see it for yourself, contact us!
Addressing target audiences and expressing needs
- To raise awareness and possibly influence policy
- Business partners – SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Large Corporations
- Expanding to more markets /finding new customers
Mushroom growers that want to test grasswool on their premises for more than 3 cycles of harvest.
Private and public funding institutions and private investors eagered to promote innovation and sustainability in the food, paper, or construction industries.
Policymakers on the lookout for non-fossil resources useful in agriculture.
- Public or private funding institutions
- EU and Member State Policy-makers
- Other Actors who can help us fulfil our market potential
R&D, Technology and Innovation aspects
Grasswool is at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7 – System prototype demonstration in operational environment. We have tested it under the conditions of commercial mushroom growers. The next step is to scale up production and reach new growers that want to try our grasswool themselves.
Our materials serves as peat replacement, and also has paper and building material applications. We use a widely available raw material which currently has no use. We focus on roadside grass as our iniatial raw material, but other non-woody biomass could act as an alternative raw material as well.
We have an operation pilot plant and are planning for the first demonstration factory.
Our main raw material is roadside grass. It is considered a waste stream. We believe it is a widely available circular raw material.
- Europe
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