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This funding call aims to support research and innovation projects that improve disaster risk management and governance. The objectives are to enhance early warning systems, long-term planning, and risk governance linked to natural and human-made threats. Proposals should address either enhanced impact forecasting for climate/weather extreme events and geohazards or understanding and preparedness for CBRN-E threats. The call emphasizes inclusivity and societal engagement to strengthen resilience. Projects should demonstrate, test, and validate tools while planning for future national and EU-level implementation. Proposals should build on previous research while avoiding duplication and should actively engage regional/local authorities, emergency responders, and volunteers. Projects must include assessments by practitioners during the project lifecycle and involve SSH experts for societal impact.
Opening: 12-06-2025
Deadline(s): 12-11-2025
Expected Outcome
- Enhanced disaster and crisis impact understanding.
- Improved early warning and long-term planning for risk governance.
- Strengthened adaptation and resilience of emergency systems.
- Inclusive approaches to disaster risk management.
- Innovative solutions for disaster prevention and preparedness.
- Improved engagement and participation of all societal actors.
- Better policy implementation at local and regional levels.
- Uptake of innovations by the disaster risk reduction community.
- Co-developed and adaptable emergency plans and procedures.
- Effective contribution of SSH disciplines to enhance societal impact.
- Enhanced risk forecasting and early warning systems.
- Improved understanding of climate/weather extreme events and geohazards.
- Enhanced understanding of CBRN-E threats.
- Adaptation of emergency systems for disaster prevention and preparedness.
- Inclusion of SSH disciplines for societal impact.
- Coordination among projects to maximize impact and avoid duplication.
- Validation of tools and solutions with emergency services and local authorities.
- Development of future uptake plans for EU-level implementation.
- Active engagement of regional/local authorities, volunteers, and citizens.
- Focus on gender, age, and inclusivity in disaster resilience strategies.