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Submission & evaluation process
Applicants must submit their application in English or other languages admitted by the call (Danish, Italian, Polish) by completing the application form available at this link.
Each applicant can submit only one application. You can read the description of the call here.
Applicants must meet all the following requirements:
1. Be a Social Economy Enterprise (SEE), as defined by the European Commission : A social economy enterprise is an operator in the social economy whose main objective is to have a social impact rather than make a profit for their owners or shareholders. It operates by providing goods and services for the market in an entrepreneurial and innovative fashion and uses its profits primarily to achieve social objectives. It is managed in an open and responsible manner and involves employees, consumers and stakeholders affected by its commercial activities.
2. Be a Micro and Small (Social Economy) Enterprise as defined by the EU, will be considered as such if coherent with the Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC and the SME user guide.
3. Be established/registered (legal office) in one of the following countries:
- EU Member State.
- EEA countries and countries associated to the COSME part of the Single Market Programme.
4. Be compliant with the following situations: is not bankrupt or being wound up, is not having affairs administered by the courts, etc..
5. Apply as an individual organisation (i.e. consortia are not eligible to apply for their members).
Only the eligible applications will move to the evaluation phase.
All eligible applications will be reviewed against the following evaluation criteria:
- Real commitment and motivation of the applicant organisation towards the green transition of the business model.
- The extent to which the expressed needs of applicant are related to green transition process.
- Training needs are clearly identified and reasonable.
The SKI.F.T. project seeks gender balance. Therefore, applicants are invited to take all measures to promote equal opportunities between men and women in the implementation of the action.
Applications will be evaluated by the project partners. If a conflict of interest for an evaluator is detected, another evaluator shall be nominated.
Further information
The present Call for social economy enterprises to receive advisory services and coaching is addressed to Social Economy Enterprises (SEEs) with the aim of enabling SEEs to get a deeper understanding of the possibility of green transition and increase success and impact of their transition projects.
The aim is to contribute to strengthening the resilience, innovation capacity, competitiveness, and sustainability of small and micro cooperative and social economy enterprises (SEEs) with a social mission or impact across Europe, enabling them to embrace green transition.
Applicants to this Call will access advisory and coaching services. Furthermore, for a selected number of applicants that will compete successfully in the Advisory and Coaching Activities, there is the opportunity to apply in a following call for social economy enterprises to receive financial support for purchasing capacity building services to be launched in October 2024 and the opportunity to participate in one transnational seminar on green transition at European level planned for January-February 2025.
Task description
This Call will provide each selected organization with advisory and coaching activities meant to contribute to develop sustainable business models, structured as follows:
UNDERSTANDING: A first interview to understand applicant’s needs for green transition.
GOAL SETTING: Elaboration of a dedicated path to meet the identified needs.
ADVISORY: Thematic webinars, workshops or on the job accompaniment.
COACHING: Individual or group coaching and exchange with other organisations and networks.
STRATEGY: Final assessment pattern of the green transition model of the beneficiary organisation.
The training sessions will be organised on-line and/or in presence, in English or other languages admitted by the call (Danish, Italian, Polish).