Result description
This result consists in a set of technologies that, following a defined step-by-step process, gather all the building information necessary to accurately manufacture and install prefabricated modules for the renovation. This process is performed by minimizing the working time compared to current methods while keeping the necessary accuracy.
The different phases and technologies of the process are the following:
· on-line data acquisition and BIM definition
· on-line definition of the new façade layout
· on-site accurate measurement with AprilTags
· adjustment of the new façade layout based on the on-site accurate measurement
· target placement through Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Matching Kit Interface to accurately place connectors.
Addressing target audiences and expressing needs
- Other blended financing
- Other type of Investment
Get funding for advancing TRL.
At a later stage, introduce the product to the market, when the TRL is high enough.
Finding potential customers: building owners, engineering firms, ESCOs.
- Public or private funding institutions
- Other Actors who can help us fulfil our market potential
- Private Investors
R&D, Technology and Innovation aspects
The tools are now usable only by experts in coding. Next step is make it accessible universally, to a wider public.
Yes, it’s an online tool.