Result description
Automation of the NDT scanning process for large parts – Relieving operators of the tiresome, time consuming and monotonous work – allowing him/ her to focus on data interpretation
Addressing target audiences and expressing needs
- We are sharing our knowledge
- Business partners – SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Large Corporations
- Collaboration
We aim to provide this intelligent collaborative system to all industries in need of a flexible, low footprint and highly reconfigurable NDT inspection solution. As the operating principle for zero programming applies to other sectors as well we are looking for companies where the solution can be customized for performing similar processes (e.g. cleaning, polishing of surfaces etc).
- Others/ No specific audience
- Other Actors who can help us fulfil our market potential
- Research and Technology Organisations
R&D, Technology and Innovation aspects
Solution has been deployed and validated in the premiseis of Voestalpine for the scanning of large metal plates. Further development will focus on the scanning of more complex geometries as well as the integration of the scanning systems on automated positioning systems to facilitate relocation of the complete measuring cell to different areas of the factory.
The solution of the project is modular as it consists of modules (installation frame, robotic arm, end effector, peripheral devices, programming). All these can be adapted and exchanged if needed according to the customer requirements. Multiple FlexBotNDT cells can be used to address variations in production volume and thus different commercialziation types can be employed (selling, leasing, resource as a service etc). Therefore scalability in the business model is also inherent thanks to the selected commercialization approach.
All components of the system can either be purchased by OEMs or easily constructed through conventional manufacturing processes. The software an control aspects have been designed to adapt on hardware variations (robot model, linear axis dimension, scanning probe geometry etc) and therefore the solution can be easily replicated and down/up sized according to customer needs.
The selected approach for commercialization includes models such as License per Use or Price per Item, as well as additional fees for installation and training. Initial setup costs involve individual adaptations to size and use case while revenues will also be generated from software and hardware usage, including updates, service, and maintenance.
Both License per Use and Price per Item are based on a Value-Based Pricing approach, identifying the potential benefits for customers from the solution (e.g., cost savings) and orienting the pricing level accordingly. In cases with strong competition, competitor prices are also taken into account.
- Europe