Result description
In order to extend safety, allow riders to expand their limits and enjoy a worry-free ride, we have developed and tested a patent-pending Dual Front Wheel (DFW) system, i.e. a mechanical system that installs two front wheels in (almost) any motorcycle, providing extended safety not only through additional grip and better cornering capabilities, but also great manoeuvrability and superior road performance. The process is simple; a model that needs to be converted to a 3-wheeler is selected and our system is directly integrated into the existing chassis (replacing the typical single front wheel) with minimal intervention and no need of redesigning any of the existing mounting points. As an add-on we offer upgrades to our system with active control features, such as lean, steer and self-balance control with the intention to enable the industry towards advanced safety and autonomous features for motorcycles such as adaptive cruise control, emergency braking and lane assist used in cars for the past few years but not applied to motorcycles yet, due to the difficulty of self-balancing, which we can now tackle with an affordable and effective way with our solution.
Addressing target audiences and expressing needs
- Grants and Subsidies
- Business partners – SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Large Corporations
- Expanding to more markets /finding new customers
We are a system supplier, developing solutions for OEMs and Tier-1 manufacturers that want to introduce new three-wheel models in their line-up. The targeted market is growing rapidly and are looking to demonstrate our solutions on a global scale. We are interested in expanding to more markets and interact with new customers interested in our solutions, create business partnerships and collaborations. At the same time, we are actively looking for various grants and research funding or proof of concept projects to support R&D of solutions for future motorcycles.
- Public or private funding institutions
- Other Actors who can help us fulfil our market potential
- Private Investors
R&D, Technology and Innovation aspects
Currently, we are designing an updated system with critical upgrades and optimization of parts towards production. Through testing and validation we verified and strengthen our patent application and are currently seeking customers in order to proceed with finalization of product details and market engagement through demonstrators, exhibitions and customized PoC for end users.
Our business model is scalable since it aims to produce revenues from patent licensing, royalties on sales as well as customization engineering services. Our plan is to gradually develop a series of products and upgrades based on our core innovation and address a global market.
Our business is replicable as far as it concerns the patent licensing and the services we offer to OEMs and Tier-1 manufacturers. However, as a supplier replicability is not straightforward since minor changes and adjustments have to be applied to the core system for each and every different motorcycle that has to be applied.
Our commitment to society is to extend safety on motorcycles for riders through our innovative products and services. At the same time we focus on circular technologies regarding vehicle waste and support research on this topic through our participation in EU funded research under CSSBoost project.
Result submitted to Horizon Results Platform by
Motonius IKE