Result description
Sphagnum moss refers to non-decomposed moss grown on peatlands. It is a renewable material, with a strong water holding capacity. We have shown sphagnum moss can be mixed up to 50% with peat with no loss in mushroom quality, and promising results on mushroom yield percentages. This alternative casing soil also counts with wide tailoring possibilities at multiple stages of its supply chain: harvesting and processing raw material, casing soil production, pre-wetting at mushroom farm, climate control and water regime during cultivation.
Addressing target audiences and expressing needs
- To raise awareness and possibly influence policy
- Business partners – SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Large Corporations
- Expanding to more markets /finding new customers
Private and public funding institutions and private investors eagered to promote innovation and sustainability in the mushroom industry.
Policymakers on the lookout for non-fossil resources useful in agriculture.
- Public or private funding institutions
- EU and Member State Policy-makers
- Other Actors who can help us fulfil our market potential
R&D, Technology and Innovation aspects
Sphagnum moss is at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7 – System prototype demonstration in operational environment. We have tested it under the conditions of commercial mushroom growers. The next step is to scale up production and reach new growers that want to try it themselves.
We can grow sphagnum on non-natural, degraded peatlands that were previously drained for forestry.
We have our own sphagnum fields.
Spahgnum moss regrows after harvesting, making it a renewable raw material.
- Europe
- Global