Refalett is an innovative technology for recycling of textile fibers. The company focuses on sustainable recycling processes to transform textile waste into new materials for fashion, furniture, and construction. The technology enables efficient separation and processing of blended fabrics, providing an environmentally friendly alternative to disposal or incineration of old clothing.
Your key benefits:
- No ‘greenwashing’, but a true recycling solution, immediately improve your CO2 footprint
- Contribution to the implementation of §6 KrWG
- CO2 storage through high-quality products
- eligible for carbon credit programmes
- Addresses the global waste problem
- Proof of concept successfully achieve
- Allows the use of blended fibers (e.g., jeans with 10% elastane)
- Not a replacement – a new material with unique properties
Products enabled by our material:
- Furniture and home decoration
- Fashion and Lifestyle
- Interior finishing in buildings
- and more…