Equipment & Facilities Laboratories accredited by EN ISO 17025, ISO 9001, or NP 4457 Application examples Comprehensive assessment of the
Innovation Offers
Equipment Biosafety Level 2 microbiology laboratories Application examples Performance assessment of antiviral automotive interior surfaces and textiles (UC4)
Equipment Biosafety Level 2 microbiology laboratories Application examples Performance assessment of antibacterial packaging (UC6) or automotive interior surfaces and textiles
Equipment Probe-Corrected FEI Titan G2 80-200 kV ChemiSTEM Double-Corrected FEI Titan G3 Cubed Themis 60-300 kV JEOL JEM 2100 80-200
Equipment FEI Quanta 650 FEG Environmental SEM (including Peltier and Heating Stage) Hitachi SU-8000 JEOL JSM-IT-300LV JEOL Neoscope JCM- 5000
Functionalities Raman spectroscopy (RS) Equipment Witec alpha300 R In-line Raman in R2R coating pilot line Technical specifications Full Raman spectrum
Functionalities UV-VIS Spectroscopy Equipment PerkinElmer Lambda900 PerkinElmer LS50B HElIOSa Scan Intelliscan Technical specifications Samples Sizes: up to A4 size Possible
Functionalities Spectroscopic ellipsometry (thin film thickness; refractive index, dispersion) Equipment HORIBA: UVISEL-VASE Technical specifications Samples Sizes up to 10 ×
Functionalities Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Equipment Autolab PGSTAT302N Technical specifications Working electrode diameter 4 mm -10 mm Resistance measurement 0.1 –
Functionalities Squarewave Voltammetry Equipment Autolab PGSTAT302N Technical specifications Δ-current from forward and backward pulse (Range 1 nA – 1 mA)
Functionalities Cyclic Voltammetry Equipment Autolab PGSTAT302N Technical specifications Samples from 5 to 15 μL of active ink or 1 ×
Machine name: Organic Vapour Phase Deposition (OVPD) Machine type: OVPD Pilot-to-Production Line Substrate types to be processed: Glass, Polymer Substrate