The world’s largest technology offer database
What can we do for you?
For open Innovation Test Beds (OITB), Pilot Lines and Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)
For SME and Industry
- Planning, Coordination and Realisation of innovation projects based on the services listed in our technology offer database in four simple steps:
- Consulting and technical and economical analysis of the exploitation and market potential
- Technical Feasibility Studies and preparation of functional demonstrators
- Market oriented technology, process and product development services
- Pilot manufacturing and support in setting up supply chains
- Support in finance and funding for research and development activities involving investors, public funding, crowdfunding and bank loans
- Buidling networks and relationships for value and supply chains
- Consulting on securing your know-how
For Investors
- Technical Due Diligence Services to assess the innovation potential of your investment opportunty
- Finding innovative, high-potential Startups and SME as highly profitable investment opportunities
- Investment partnerships for financing larger innovation projects
- Market analyses, identification of trends, roadmapping
For Technology and Innovation Service Providers
- Active sales of services, technologies, prototypes and inventions (finding licensees)
- through our database and sales network
- in our innovation online shop (to be launched in Jan 2022)
- Support in defining industry relevant specification sheets for your services, technologies, or products
- Consulting towards market-alignment of your technology portfolio
- Exploitation and application partner in your research and development projects (Horizon Europe, National funded projects)
- Networking opportunities to SME, industry and value chains
For Open Innovation Test Beds (OITB), Pilot Lines and Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)
- KETMarket as Sales Representative and Single Entry Point
- We collect service specifications and consult the members in service definition / specification according to market needs and support definition of service bundles in the network
- we actively promote and sell the services under OITB/DIH/Pilot Line brand name and provide a separate OITB branded directory of services
- We coordinate the customer projects and act as general contractor and develop the OITB/DIH/Pilot Line brand!
(we are happy to help with the pilot cases as well!) - We represent the OITB/DIH/Pilot Line on commercial events, trade-fairs, conferences.
- We create for you a separate space in the KETMarket platform to store and manage your OITB internal knowledge and to access KETMarket’s digital project management tools
- Use KETMarket’s linked regional sales agents to promote your services locally in regions not covered by your network yet
- KETMarket as additional sales channel for your sales representatives and your members
- Submit your service catalogue to KETMarket to enlarge your market-outreach and customer base
- Receive Technology Portfolio Consulting and Advertising Packages available upon request.
- Bundle services of multiple OITB and pilot lines for maximum return.
- Receive discounted premium access for your Single Entry Point(s) and Members to our platform and receive access to:
- Technology Requests from SME – and tenders for services
- Market reports, technical reports and whitepapers
- Investor database and funding opportunities
- KETMarket Project Management Tools
Innovation Service
Last updated:
Innovation Service
Patric Gerö
Patric Gerö
Last updated:
Innovation Service
Patric Gerö
Patric Gerö
Last updated:
Innovation Service
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