Funding or Finance Opportunity


Convert2Green Open Call for Pilot Projects

About Convert2Green

The Convert2Green Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) enables material suppliers to integrate their innovative, circular and carbon neutral material solutions to the European Key Value Chains:

  1. Green and Autonomous Vehicles
  2. Smart Health
  3. Industrial Internet of Things
  4. Low Carbon Industry
  5. Clean Energy Solutions

Convert2Green provides innovative material suppliers with new business opportunities in these value chains and complements the European Open Innovation Ecosystem with services not present in any other OITB.

Convert2Green Open Call

Convert2Green will support at-least 20 pre-commercial pilot case projects from at least 10 different countries (among all EU regions). Projects will be selected in an open call procedure, whereas awarded companies will receive subsidized access to the technical facilities and subsidized services from the Convert2Green Members with a budget of approx. 100.000 € per project. Project durations should not exceed 9 months. Applicants may select from the service portfolio from Convert2Green which is continuously updated and published here. Please contact us through helpdesk(a) or the contact form below to receive support in preparing your application.

Three cutoff dates are foreseen for proposal submission;

  1. 31 December 2023
  2. 27 June 2024
  3. 31 December 2024

Application conditions and procedure

Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and industries from the European Union and Countries associated to the Horizon Europe Funding Programme may apply, whereas at least 75% of the supported project will be selected from SME applicants. Applicants need to fill an application form, describing in 5 pages their innovation, the requested services, the expected outcome and a tentantive project plan. The application system for the first cutoff date will open in July 2023. Stay tuned for more detailed information to be published during June / July 2023.

General Information

Call Type
EU Horizon Europe
Eligible Country/ies
EU Members and associated countries to the Horizon Europe Funding Programme
Expected Outcome or Impact
Applications submitted to the Convert2Green Open Calls must contribute to at least two of the following three expected outcomes:
1. At least 20% reduction of carbon footprint of products in EU Key Value Chain by introducing innovative circular and carbon neutral materials on large scale.
2. Reduce technological risk of innovative materials and products attracting more investors and cutting time to market by > 30%.
3. Establish sustainable value chains from raw materials to products made in Europe making use of innovative, circular material solutions allowng European SME and Industry to become world leader in clean products and technologies.
Target Groups
Small- and Medium Enterprises, Industry, Start-Ups
Submission Deadlines
Multiple deadlines
(Next) Submission Deadline
31 December 2023
Type of Funding Instrument
Individual Support
Max. funding amount per project [EURO]
free services worth up to 100,000 €
Overall budget for all projects [EURO]
2,000,000 €

Author Info

John Fahlteich

Member since 3 years ago
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