Funding or Finance Opportunity


Development and integration of advanced software tools in SCADA systems for High, Medium and Low voltage AC/DC hybrid systems

Expected Outcome:

Project results are expected to contribute to at least three of the following outcomes:

  • Optimised connection between power system design, preoperational planning and real-time monitoring and control.
  • Measures and strategies for stability management of the future HVDC/MTDC power system connecting renewable energies (more specifically onshore wind farm).
  • Measures and strategies for stability management of the future AC/DC hybrid power system with a high share of Power Electronic Interfaced Devices (PEID).
  • Real-time capable algorithms and tools that enables optimal operation of the hybrid AC/DC system (e.g., avoidance of circular flows) and to support security analyses.
  • Innovative ancillary services (e.g., frequency control, mitigation of periodic frequency fluctuations, voltage regulation and reactive power control).
  • The possibilities offered by fast DC control in terms of islanding, black-start capability, firewalling for fault impact minimisation/avoidance, support for fault identification and return to safe, normal operation.
  • Increased security of supply through firewalling cascading effects due to faults or cyberattacks by segmentation of the grid with a DC link.


Projects are expected to implement the activities in (1), the practical demonstration (2) and the recommendations for grid codes (3) for a realistic use case, at one or two voltage levels or at system level including all three voltage levels as described below:

  1. Development of methodologies, technologies, algorithms and software tools, involving at least three of the activities listed below.
    • Development of innovative technologies, algorithms and analysis modules for multi terminal HVDC system – Software tools for analysing stability compatibility between DC and AC power system (e.g., Grid forming Vs. DC voltage stability)
    • Development of innovative algorithms and software tools for analysing and controlling the system of mixed, hybrid AC/DC grids. Integration of these tools into the control room software.
    • Scalable and flexible software framework for operation of hybrid AC/DC power systems supporting various vendor-dependent systems and component models, e.g., more accurate and wider representation of connected systems, power flow calculations.
    • Vendor independent hybrid DC/AC network SCADA/Energy Management System and upper-level control of voltage source converters (multi-vendor, multi-terminal), including changing active power set points, voltage/reactive power control set points and changing controller parameters.
    • Development and management of small signal and dynamic stability in a hybrid AC/DC power system with high penetration of inverter-based resources.
    • Development of a robust online real-time estimation and calculation of the system state of the AC, DC and hybrid system.
    • Development of safety and reliability analysis of the system state, analysis of possible failure situations as well as curative measures for the failure event, e.g., transient and dynamic stability, coordinated risk management.
    • Development and integration of cyber secure resilient ICT platforms and communication for data exchange.
    • Development of a DC link for firewalling the grid from cascading effects due to faults or cyberattacks.
  2. Demonstration, test and validation of the activities developed in (1) for a fully automated decision support system for control centres in at least two pilots in different EU Member States/Associated Countries.
  3. Recommendations for changes in grid codes, which can facilitate the deployment of the technology and ensure the full exploitation of the assets.

Specific Topic Conditions:

Activities are expected to achieve TRL 6-8 by the end of the project – see General Annex B.

General Information

Call Type
EU Horizon Europe
Eligible Country/ies
EU + Horizon Europe associated countries
Call Identifier (if any)
Expected Outcome or Impact
Expected Outcome:
Project results are expected to contribute to at least three of the following outcomes:

- Optimised connection between power system design, preoperational planning and real-time monitoring and control.
- Measures and strategies for stability management of the future HVDC/MTDC power system connecting renewable energies (more specifically onshore wind farm).
- Measures and strategies for stability management of the future AC/DC hybrid power system with a high share of Power Electronic Interfaced Devices (PEID).
- Real-time capable algorithms and tools that enables optimal operation of the hybrid AC/DC system (e.g., avoidance of circular flows) and to support security analyses.
- Innovative ancillary services (e.g., frequency control, mitigation of periodic frequency fluctuations, voltage regulation and reactive power control).
- The possibilities offered by fast DC control in terms of islanding, black-start capability, firewalling for fault impact minimisation/avoidance, support for fault identification and return to safe, normal operation.
- Increased security of supply through firewalling cascading effects due to faults or cyberattacks by segmentation of the grid with a DC link.
Target Groups
Research Institutes, Academia, Small- and Medium Enterprises, Industry, Non-government organisations, Start-Ups
Submission Deadlines
Single fixed deadline
(Next) Submission Deadline
16 January 2024
Type of Funding Instrument
Collaborative Projects / Consortia
Max. funding amount per project [EURO]
6,000,000 €
Overall budget for all projects [EURO]
12,000,000 €

Author Info


Patric Gerö

Member since 2 years ago
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    Development and integration of advanced software tools in SCADA systems for High, Medium and Low voltage AC/DC hybrid systems 0 reviews

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