Funding or Finance Opportunity


Energy Management Systems for flexibility services

Expected Outcome:

Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

  • Contribute to the use of smart buildings and smart industrial sites for the integration of renewables in the energy system in an efficient way.
  • Demonstrate aggregation of multiple (building or industrial) energy management systems to provide flexibility services (wholesale market price signals, demand response, flexible production, smart charging, balancing & frequency services, congestion management) to the electricity network.
  • Demonstrate interoperability and data exchange technologies to aggregate data from different sources and in different formats through cooperation between aggregators and energy management system developers.
  • Piloting and demonstration of flexibility pool operations at the local and regional levels.

The selected projects should propose recommendations how current products, markets and market processes for flexibility should be adapted to accommodate these new services and/or fully benefit from the potential these improved energy management services will bring.


Projects are expected to:

  • Develop solutions to aggregate flexibility from different (types of) energy consumers that use different energy management systems to develop interoperable solutions to optimise the energy management systems and valorise its flexibility in wholesale markets and for balancing and/or congestion management services).
  • Define and demonstrate the type of flexibility services that clusters of smart buildings and smart industrial sites can provide.
  • Cooperate with (one or more) TSOs and/or DSOs, preferably making use of day-to-day operational flexibility markets (i.e. not R&I projects or regulatory sandboxes).
  • Include at least 3 different energy management systems in case of industry, or 5 in case of buildings, developed by different technology providers and that use different protocols/standards/proprietary solutions for the energy management system.
  • Involve at least 3 different energy system management service companies in case of industry, or 5 in case of buildings.
  • Include at least 2 aggregators to ensure that developed solutions are based on standards and to avoid proprietary solutions.
  • Include at least 1 home appliances producer in case of buildings. To ensure interoperability and integration into the grid, specific demonstrators will make use of operational end-to-end architectures, digital platforms and other data exchange infrastructure for the energy system being developed under ongoing Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe as well as under other EU programs such as the Digital Europe Program. Preferably semantically interoperable interactions, as enabled by the ETSI SAREF ontologies, are used.

Design and demonstrate appropriate concepts for acquiring and activating flexibility (implicit and explicit) that allow to maximally benefit from the potential of these new services. The project should demonstrate or recommend how the coordination and cooperation between TSO and DSO has to be organized to adopt the different concepts for services, products and markets.

The selected projects are expected to contribute to the BRIDGE initiative[1], actively participate to its activities and allocate up to 2% of their budgets to that end. Additional contributions to the ‘Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation’ (AIOTI) and other relevant activities (e.g. clusters of digital projects and coordinating actions) might be considered, when relevant.

Specific Topic Conditions:

Activities are expected to achieve TRL 7-8 by the end of the project – see General Annex B.


General Information

Call Type
EU Horizon Europe
Eligible Country/ies
EU + Horizon Europe associated countries
Call Identifier (if any)
Expected Outcome or Impact
Expected Outcome:
Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

1. Contribute to the use of smart buildings and smart industrial sites for the integration of renewables in the energy system in an efficient way.
2. Demonstrate aggregation of multiple (building or industrial) energy management systems to provide flexibility services (wholesale market price signals, demand response, flexible production, smart charging, balancing & frequency services, congestion management) to the electricity network.
3. Demonstrate interoperability and data exchange technologies to aggregate data from different sources and in different formats through cooperation between aggregators and energy management system developers.
4. Piloting and demonstration of flexibility pool operations at the local and regional levels.
The selected projects should propose recommendations how current products, markets and market processes for flexibility should be adapted to accommodate these new services and/or fully benefit from the potential these improved energy management services will bring.
Target Groups
Research Institutes, Academia, Small- and Medium Enterprises, Industry, Non-government organisations, Start-Ups
Submission Deadlines
Single fixed deadline
(Next) Submission Deadline
16 January 2024
Type of Funding Instrument
Collaborative Projects / Consortia
Max. funding amount per project [EURO]
5,000,000 €
Overall budget for all projects [EURO]
10,000,000 €

Author Info


Patric Gerö

Member since 2 years ago
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